2010 - 2011 Community Quilts
The Fostering Friends project was well received and a letter of appreciation and thanks was received in August 2011. A copy of the letter and some photos from the program are inserted for viewing below.
Letter: view here

Additional Photos and Press Clippings can be viewed on our Media page.

September 2010
We begin this year with a big thank you for supporting not only the Community Quilts Project, but so many other efforts. Your talents and time help to meet the many needs of our local community by donating to silent auctions, boutiques; the Linus Project, make gowns and bags for cancer patients and the list is endless.
In response to the many suggestions about whom and what age groups to support this year, we have selected four different recipients. Hopefully, one will speak to you. They are as follows:
Santa Barbara Assistance League’s Fostering Friends Project-We will continue working with this project in their efforts to assist young adults transitioning upon graduation from foster care assistance to emancipated minors. Our quilts will be added to the Assistance League’s gift of basic items which are presented at an annual June ceremony acknowledging this life change. The Fostering Friends Project shared that the quilts are treasured by the teenagers and decorate their beds with warmth and love.
California Department of Veterans Affairs-The Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds have asked the member organizations to contribute quilts to a new care center is located in Los Angeles. Serving Veterans, the Center will focus on assisted care, skilled nursing care and Alzheimer care. The VA hopes to have this new Center to grow to 300 beds. It is their hope that the quilts will bring a sense of a real home.
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics- The clinics work with our local low income communities providing both medical and dental care. We had the opportunity to visit one of the clinics and found the lobby full of individuals of all ages. This organization primarily relies on some insurance reimbursements; MediCal, state and federal grants as well as donors for their operating budget. The clinics are located on Eastside (Milpas), the Westside (Micheltoreana) and Isla Vista (Embarcadero Loop). The Community Quilts Project’s goal is to bring some joy to their young patients. Our quilts will be distributed by the Pediatricians and their nurses. The targeted age groups for the quilts are infants to 10 years old.
Unity- We’ve earmarked the November Guild meeting for Unity day. This organization works with low income families giving them an opportunity to shop for their children with dignity. We are hoping to add to their gift choices for children. Members are being asked to provide some children’s quilts, a doll quilt, Christmas stockings, a Hanukah gift or any other Holiday celebration item and knitted hats. Anything and everything will find a grateful home.
In terms of supplies, the Community Quilts Project provides quilt kits, batting, and backing fabric. Participation is a wonderful way to offer some joy and a smile to those who may be in need. Again thank you for supporting these organizations. Please read the FAQs below for more details.
~ Co-Chairs: Yolanda Garcia and Louise Salgado
Most Frequently Asked Questions
- Are we making quilts for babies, children or adults this year?
We’re donating quilts for recipients of all ages. Our sponsored agencies include the Santa Barbara Assistance League Fostering Friends Project, Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics, and a Care Center for Veterans located in Los Angeles.
- What quilt sizes are needed?
Fostering Friends and the Veteran’s Care Center are seeking larger lap or twin size quilts. As a guide, consider 50”x70” as a possible target size. In addition, the Care Center welcomes any size lap. The Neighborhood Clinic quilts can be any size for infants through 10 year olds. Both local agencies are extremely excited about being this year’s recipients of our efforts, so whatever you can do is most appreciated.
- Do I have to use a kit?
No, you may use your own fabric. We will do our best to provide batting and some quilt backing fabric.
- May I change the fabrics in the kit?
Yes, please feel free to add or substitute fabrics from your own collection.
- Should I return unused kit fabric?
Only return any remaining fabric if it is ¼ yard or larger.
- Must I use a specific pattern?
Please feel free to use any pattern which appeals to you. If you do a computer search of free quilt patterns, pages emerge.
- May I tie the quilt?
Because of its intended use, please hand or machine quilt your donation. Nancy King is still offering to machine quilt for a fee of $45. She can be reached at 687-2063. Her website is www.sbcustomquilting.com
- Do I have to wash the quilt?
Yes! The quilt should be washed after it is made and needs to be free any scent.
- When are the quilts due?
The quilts for the Assistance League are due in May and those for the Neighborhood Clinics in June.
- How do I label the quilt?
Please attach guild labels which are provided at the Guild Meetings.
- If I have any other questions, who should I contact:
Please call or email:
Yolanda Garcia (451-0399) Yolanda.garcia48@yahoo.com or
Louise Salgado (405-3312) anutlu@cox.net